Our Technology

Meet the Future of Clean

A hassle-free, full-service cleaning system for liquid storage facilities that protects employees and eliminates production downtime. Keep your facility operating with the only cleaning system in the world that cleans liquid storage facilities with no human entry and no costly downtime.

Our Technology
Our Technology

The only liquid storage facility cleaning system in the world that solves the financial, logistical, and safety problems often associated with traditional cleaning methods.

Our one-of-a-kind cleaning system sends a remote-controlled submersible robot through our patented entrance system directly into your liquid storage facility for cleaning and maintenance.

Our full-service proprietary covered lagoon and tank cleaning system maintains and keeps liquid storage facilities in excellent condition for superior output and performance. This system also evaluates, stores, and reports data about your facility’s condition and performance to improve efficiencies.

Our Technology
Our Technology

What makes us different?

What doesn’t? Routine cleaning is essential to the health and productivity of your facilities, but our cleaning system is the only system that solves the financial, logistical, and safety problems often associated with traditional cleaning methods.

No other technology or method can protect employees and eliminate production downtime–saving your company time and money.

Traditional Tank
Cleaning Process

  • Schedule cleaning.
  • Plan and budget for facility downtime.
  • Coordinate storage solutions for new materials generated during downtime.
  • Drain tanks/facilities.
  • Send team members into tanks for manual cleaning which can be time-consuming, expensive, and dangerous.
  • Oversee getting facilities back online and running.
  • Repeat as needed.

The Bristola Tank
Cleaning Process

  • Call Bristola to install their unique portal that allows their entry system to connect.
  • A remote-controlled submersible robot is sent through the entry box and cleans your tanks of sediment and build-up.
  • Notice how easy it all was.
  • Continually monitor your facility’s condition and performance with Bristola’s full-service system.
  • Call Bristola as needed and never worry about the hassle of cleaning and facility maintenance again.
Our Technology

How does it work?

Robots! You know that handy little robotic vacuum that cleans the floors in your house? It’s like that but it’s submersible (not a vacuum!) and ready to clean the sludge and sediment off the bottom of your liquid storage facilities. It enters on a winch through our unique entry box and portal system and when finished, returns to its home location before being removed the same way.

Better Than a One-Time Cleaning

Whether you have a new or existing storage facility, Bristola’s system provides both direct and indirect benefits.

Save Money & Increase Profits

A well-maintained facility operates more efficiently and increases output, and with no downtime and no need for temporary storage solutions or increased man hours, operating costs will be lower. Not to mention our system requires no need for maintenance on your end.

Save Time

Without the need for planning and coordinating downtime and logistics, you can allocate that time elsewhere.

Save Lives

With no human entry required, employees are no longer put in dangerous situations.

Our Technology

Eliminate costly downtime.

Contact us to keep your liquid storage facilities clean and operating smoothly.