Dangers of Industrial Tank Cleaning

Industrial tanks need regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure a sanitary working environment and protect the integrity of the tank and its contents. Buildup can accumulate in storage tanks over time, forming a thick layer that makes your operations less efficient.

While industrial tank cleaning is an essential task, it can also be dangerous. Traditional cleaning methods rely on human entry, which puts employees' safety at risk. At Bristola, we've solved this problem with our submersible, zero-human entry cleaning system.

Potential Hazards of Storage Tank Cleaning

Cleaning industrial tanks can be a dangerous job. Workers entering the tank face many hazards, including:

Confined Space

Industrial tanks are confined spaces that typically only have one opening for human entry and exit. With limited exit points, it can be difficult to escape in an emergency. It can also be tricky for personnel entering the tank to move around, as their protective gear and cleaning equipment can restrict their range of motion.

Visibility inside the tank is often limited, so it's easy to miss obstructions and trip hazards. Slippery surfaces inside the tank may also increase the risk of injury from a fall.

Oxygen Deficiency

Oxygen levels in industrial tanks can drop well under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) respiratory protection standard of 19.5%. Workers must wear breathing apparatuses in oxygen-deficient tanks and be monitored closely.

Chemical Hazards

Industrial tanks often contain toxic chemicals that workers encounter while cleaning. If these chemicals are accidentally ingested or make contact with skin, people may experience long- or short-term side effects that impact their health.

Fire and Explosion

If your industrial tank contains fuel or other flammable liquids and vapors, there is an increased risk of a fire or explosion. Things like electrical equipment and static electricity can ignite any flammable products in the tank.

Our Zero-Human Entry Cleaning Solution

Because storage tank cleaning can be so dangerous, it's best to leave the task to professionals. At Bristola, we have more than 20 years of experience cleaning digester tanks. Our innovative, zero-human entry cleaning system uses submersible, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to clean your tank, protecting your employees and significantly reducing human exposure hours. You can keep your tank full while our ROVs clean, and no one has to enter the tank during the process.

We also offer a unique entry portal that is placed on the manhole of tanks. This valve will allow us to easily re-enter and service your tank in the future.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our system, or schedule a demo to see it in action.